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engAGINGconversations's podcast

Sep 22, 2019

Probate court guardianship was set up to protect people from  family members out to take advantage of them. What has happened, however, is that SOME court appointed guardians have figured out how to work the system, and take advantage of elders with assets.

Dr. Sam Sugar says ageism is to blame, in part. Squabbling families feed into this. Our legal system is supposed to help people who can’t get it from other sources. But court appointed guardianship can be quite the opposite.

He and his organization Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianship, are on a mission to educate, advocate, and legislate to change this.

Listen today to find out:

  • What is equity/probate court?
  • How can elder guardianship abuse happen?
  • How many people may be affected by this…?
  • What is incapacity, and how can this effect an outcome?
  • What can you do to prevent this happening to you or someone you love?
  • Why once court appointed guardianship has been established, it can be extremely difficult to expunge…

Find out more here:

Guardianship Abuse and the Elderly : The Perfect Crime

The Guardians